
CAS Number



Fluoride ion; Fluoride fume; Fluorine; Fluoride Standard; Fluorides; Fluoride salts


Medicine (prevent bone loss); result of sulfuryl fluoride (pesticide, fumigant) decay. Compounds may be used as metal treatment, glass etching, aluminum smelting, pesticides, chemical synthesis, dental care products, or municipal public health water additive (prevents tooth decay).

More information about Fluoride

Chronic REL

Chronic Inhalation REL (μg/m3): 13 (inhalation); 40 μg/kg BW-day (oral)
Chronic Target Organs: Bones and teeth; respiratory system
Human Data: Yes
Last Chronic REL Revision: 2003
Chronic Reference Exposure Levels Comments:

OEHHA 2008. Technical Supporting Document for Noncancer RELs, Appendix D3. Listed as Fluorides including hydrogen fluoride; Hydrogen fluoride acute and chronic RELs listed separately (see Hydrogen fluoride).