Latest News
Safe eating recommendations based on the levels of mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) measured in fish collected from Shasta Lake
Feb 27, 2017, Program: Fish
Adoption of Reference Exposure Levels (RELs) for carbonyl sulfide (COS) for use in the Air Toxics Hot Spots Program
Feb 21, 2017, Program: Air
OEHHA proposes to repeal Sections 25607.30 and 25607.31 to ensure consistency with the provisions of Section 25603.3, subsections (f) and (g) that reflect OEHHA’s intent concerning the BPA warning responsibility, methods and content provisions and an inoperative date of December 30, 2017.
Feb 17, 2017, Program: Proposition 65
This is the comment period for the Proposed Rulemaking Notice, Title 27, Proposed Repeal of Sections 25607.30 and 25607.31.
Feb 17, 2017, Program: Proposition 65
Extension of the comment period on the proposal to adopt a No Significant Risk Level (NSRL) of 180 micrograms per day for malathion
Feb 9, 2017, Program: Proposition 65
2017 Children's Health Symposium "Environmental Health and Children" - location, agenda, directions and additional information.
Feb 7, 2017, Program: Risk Assessment
February 2, 2017 community meeting in Los Angeles to discuss the use of Cap-and-Trade proceeds to fund projects in disadvantaged and low-income communities to implement Senate Bill 535.
Feb 2, 2017, Program: CalEnviroScreen
February 6, 2017 community meeting in Oakland to discuss the use of Cap-and-Trade proceeds to fund projects in disadvantaged and low-income communities to implement Senate Bill 535.
Feb 2, 2017, Program: CalEnviroScreen
February 7, 2017 webinar to discuss the use of Cap-and-Trade proceeds to fund projects in disadvantaged and low-income communities to implement Senate Bill 535.
Feb 2, 2017, Program: CalEnviroScreen