Latest News
The Public Health Goal for endrin has been updated.
Oct 10, 2008, Program: Water
The Scientific Review Panel for TACs discussed OEHHA's updated draft of the Technical Support Document for Cancer Potency Factors and the documentation for proposed new RELs for acetaldehyde, acrolein, arsenic, formaldehyde, manganese, and mercury.
Oct 10, 2008, Program: Air
Meeting materials for the third meeting of the cumulative impacts and precautionary approaches (CIPA) workgroup.
Oct 10, 2008, Program: CalEnviroScreen
OEHHA has reorganized the Clear and Reasonable Warnings section 25601 of Title 27, California Code of Regulations.
Sep 22, 2008, Program: Proposition 65
Notice of a public hearing on November 7, 2008 regarding amendment of Title 27, California Code of Regulations, Section 25204.
Sep 12, 2008, Program: Proposition 65
Chemical listed September 12th, 2008 as known to the State to cause cancer: Oryzalin.
Sep 12, 2008, Program: Proposition 65
Availability of Hazard Identification materials for hexavalent chromium and chlorpyrifos. Availability for public comment of materials prepared by OEHHA on particulate matter.
Sep 5, 2008, Program: Proposition 65
In 2008 the DARTIC requested that OEHHA prepare a compilation of relevant studies for Particulate Matter (as an air pollutant) and Total Trihalomethanes.
Sep 5, 2008, Program: Proposition 65
Information about the November 5, 2008 meeting of the Carcinogen Identification Committee. Chemicals to be considered: N,N-Dimethylformamide and 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT).
Aug 29, 2008, Program: Proposition 65
Availability of Hazard Identification Materials for the carcinogenicity of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene
Aug 15, 2008, Program: Proposition 65