CalEnviroScreen 1.0
The California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA) and the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) announce the availability of the California Communities Environmental Health Screening Tool, Version 1 (CalEnviroScreen 1.0). This tool presents the nation’s first comprehensive screening methodology to identify California communities that are disproportionately burdened by multiple sources of pollution and presents the statewide results of the analysis using the screening tool. A report describing the methodology is available.
California Communities Environmental Health Screening Tool, Version 1 Report (CalEnviroScreen 1.0)
- English language version
- Spanish language version
- Press Release - Cal/EPA releases nation's first comprehensive statewide screening tool
OEHHA and Cal/EPA released two public review drafts of the California Communities Environmental Health Screening Tool on July 30, 2012 and January 3, 2013. Public comments on the draft reports were received at a series of regional and stakeholder-specific workshops held throughout the state, an Academic Expert Panel workshop, at two meetings of the Cumulative Impacts and Precautionary Approaches Work Group, and in written comments from the public.
Summary of Major Changes in Second Public Review Draft of CalEnviroScreen
Response to Major Comments on the CalEnviroScreen Public Review Drafts
OEHHA applied a series of statistical analyses, as well as simpler numerical and graphical comparisons, to answer questions about the CalEnviroScreen model and the confidence in the results. The results of the sensitivity analysis on the January 2013 draft that informed the finalization of Version 1.0 of the CalEnviroScreen are presented in this document.
Sensitivity Analysis of the January 2013 CalEnviroScreen Data and Results
OEHHA released two drafts of CalEnviroScreen 1.0 before finalizing the tool in April 23, 2013. For both drafts, OEHHA conducted extensive public workshops and received written public comments on both drafts, which led to the release of the final version. Materials related to the draft versions of CalEnviroScreen 1.0 are available here.